Thursday, April 30, 2015

magazine review

On your blog - do a 3-4 paragraph review of the magazine you selected. 

  • While reading this Photoshop magazine, it showed in depth tutorials which look very helpful and are about many different things. It offered great ideas for experiments to learn and get more familiar with photoshop. There was a large section over how to photograph interiors and it was very helpful because it showed all the details to get the best image. The magazine also gave tips and tricks over lightroom and I learned things didn't know already. 
What did you learn new?

  • I learned new things you ca do in photoshop. Like how to take one image and them make a video game cover. 

Would you subscribe or buy this magazine off the shelf?

  • buy it off the shelf

What sections are there in the magazine?

  • photoshop, interior photography, studio set up, video game cover designs, television title effects, HDR poster effects, removing objects, framing images, feature photographers, lighting, lightroom tips, adobe creative cloud, animation, product reviews

What kind of information can expect to find in that magazine each issue?

  • Different photoshop skills and tips

What was your favorite section? 

  • feature photographer Bill Fourney

These are all things you could address in your review.

Then find your favorite photo in the magazine, do a google search of the photographer. 
On your blog post your favorite photo. 
Then do a biography of that photographer. 

What are they famous for? 

  • He had an environment portrait in the magazine. 

What kind of equipment do they use? 

  • no idea but looks like a low aperture. 

What is their chosen genera?

  • Warren Stowell does mostly portraits but he also has great landscape and architecture.
What attracted you to their work? 

  • I loved the colors and framing of the subject. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

event 2- prom prep

Teen Vogue for the magazine.


 Amongst all the beauty products, junior Maddi Felux places a beer carton with the word prom written on it. Felux kept the carton on her vanity as she prepared for the prom as a reminder of her promposal.

In preparation, junior Maddi Felux lays out her dress and earrings for prom. This was Felux's second year attending prom at Anderson. 

Showing off the sparkles, junior Maddi Felux's shoes and dress shine brightly under the light. Felux likes to call these shoes her Beyonce shoes.  

Watching the mirror, junior Maddi Felux rubs blush onto her face. Felux went for a natural look which meant she applied less blush and eye makeup. 

Applying foundation, junior Maddi Felux works on her face makeup to look her best. Felux's dress was blue so she wanted makeup that would mix best with that color.

Holding the wand, junior Maddi Felux curls her hair in prep for prom. Felux planned to go to the Anderson prom with her boyfriend Clayton Engelke.

Friday, April 10, 2015

warm up delicious

1.     Link the website you visited and make sure your blog is titled the same as the links above..

2.     T
he site shows photographs of women from around the world. The photographer hit her job and traveled the globe with her backpack and camera. This project was to show the beauty around the world and show that everyone is beautiful. 

3.    I learned that beauty is everywhere and you can take a photo of anything and see the beauty. 

4.     If possible, post your favorite photo from the site.

5.     If you have a photo to post, please answer the following questions:
a.     Why did you pick this photo? I chose this photo because I really loved the colors used and how you can see her culture through the photo. 
b.     What rules of photography do you see in the photo? leading lines, repetition, split face lighting 
c.     Who took the photo? couldn't find her name but this is her blog