Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Portrait lighting in a studio setting - the beginning

Fill light- to reduce the contrast in the photo and make it look like what you see with your eyes. to use light to fill in the darker areas. 
Main light-primary light, this creates shape, form and contrast. 

Hair light- it is used to enhance the texture of hair, and it separates the hair from the background, 
Background light- this is used to illuminate the background and helps separate the person from the background. 
Shadowless lighting- when you add enough light to have no shadows on the subject. 
Butterfly- a flattering and artistic way to light the face. The way you angle the lighting to fall on your face. It creates a butterfly like shape under the nose. 
Loop- when that light source is above the object and creates a loop shaped shadow by the nose. 
Split- the light makes one side illuminated and one in the shadows. 
Rembrandt- more dramatic and creates a mood and a darker feel to the image. It has a triangle of light on the cheek. 
Grey Card- flat grey card that is from a flat reflectance spectrum
Hard light versus soft light- hard light is a small direct source of light with harsh highlights and dark shadows. Soft light is a diffused and indirect light source with soft shadows and subtle highlights. 
Strength - shutter speed and aperture's appropriate to portraits-
3:1 lighting ratio- occurs when the light discrepancy between 2 lights is one and a half stops.
Inverse square law of light (remember photography)- an object that is twice the distance from a source of light will receive only a quarter of the light. 

#1 Position Subject Sideways
#2 Chin Down#3 Shoot from Above#4 Wall Posing#5 Relaxed Hands


PC © 2014 Stephanie Newbold Seniors

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