Thursday, January 29, 2015

5 station shoot

water drops

The photographer used a medicine dropper so he could control the amount of water coming out. You need more light to have less grain. You need a camera, macro 2.8 lens, a light, an optional drip kit, water, dropper, colored liquids, and a tripod.

Black acrylic glass
You would need a black background, the props, a light and black acrylic glass on the bottom. F/16 lens aperture made sure the background would be black. The photographer bought a cheap violin and painted it black for this shoot.

light punting/spinning/circles of light

You need a tripod or monopod and dark room. ISO-100, F/16+, SS-10 seconds. Spin and move the wheel around and take pictures.

This photographer took pictures of bubbles to make them look like planets with really cool colors. The bubbles are sitting in a wet ring and he would blow down a straw to excite the surface of the bubbles and to spin the colors. You need a wet ring, household detergent with a little glycerine mix, a straw, a backdrop and a light. 

focus stacking
Focus stacking is a technique used to increase depth of field in a shot with post production. It works best using a long lens or macro. You need a tripod, a macro lens, photoshop, and matt focusing screen for manual focusing. You take multiple photo and then stack them on to each other

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

prompt shoot peer review

best photo- i like her things photo the best because i really love the detail you can see on the dragon fly and how short her depth is.

least fave- my least favorite is the wildcard photo just because it think it could have been better cropped/ balanced in the frame. You stopped the action and other than the cropping its a really good photo.

2 positives- you have a really good assortment of different things and all the photos are really strong.


best portraying- i think the best portraying was your people photo of Brenda because it is a really pretty picture of Brenda and your editing in LR was really good

least portrayed- i think the least portrayed was maybe the wildcard just because you had a wildcard and you chose a photo of a person. But its a really good photo!!!!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Welcome back

The site showed you how to  make a good time-lapse. He explained how he chose his locations and the process of setting up a time lapse. I watched the video and it was really cool because there was so many different locations and it was cool to watch the waves and pole move around. 

If you looked at a video, please do the following:
a.     The video was a time lapse that showed many different locations and each spot was different because different things moved. 
b.     Joe Capra. He is a photographer for Scientifantastic. He specializes in ultra high definition time lapse photography, still photography, cinematography and editing. 
c.     The video is of Rio De Janeiro showing the many beautiful places.It shows many city scapes, beaches, waterfalls and skys.   
d.     I learned how to select the places to shoot, the best time of the day and place to get the best movement in the video. I also learned that music is the most important part about making a video.

The site showed 6 different types of photos that are simple if you want to go out an try something new. It showed how to make a fake tilt lens photo, a forced perspective photo, a long exposure landscape photo, a digital infrared photo, how to make a double exposure portrait photo and a 360 degree polar panorama. 

If you have a photo to post, please answer the following questions:
a.    I chose this photo because i like the concept and i want to try doing long exposure with landscape.
b.    Leading lines, rule of thirds, balancing elements
c.     Jeff Meyer

The site showed 10 resolutions for the new year.

If you have a photo to post, please answer the following questions:
a.    I chose this photo because I like the bokeh because its pretty. I really want to play around with that.
b.    leading lines
c.    Jenna Martin

This photographer traveled the world to take photos living creature that are 2000 year old and older. It a really cool concept and each photo tell a story and show how these thing have lived for so long. 
I learned that this photographer creates a bond with the living creature as if it was a portrait of  person. 

a.     I chose this photo because I really like how cool the tree looks and how the roots look. It really shows how old the tree looks. 
b.     rule of thirds, leading lines and repetition. 
c.    Rachel Sussman

This fine arts photographer is from Germany and he find old building and photographs their spiral staircases. He shoots 5 HDR photos and processes them. 

If you have a photo to post, please answer the following questions:
a.     I chose this photo because i really liked the colors in the photo and how old the stairs look gives it a unique look. 
b.     repetition, rule of thirds, leading lines
c.    Christain Richter

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Best of 2014




Wild card

Best overall