Thursday, January 29, 2015

5 station shoot

water drops

The photographer used a medicine dropper so he could control the amount of water coming out. You need more light to have less grain. You need a camera, macro 2.8 lens, a light, an optional drip kit, water, dropper, colored liquids, and a tripod.

Black acrylic glass
You would need a black background, the props, a light and black acrylic glass on the bottom. F/16 lens aperture made sure the background would be black. The photographer bought a cheap violin and painted it black for this shoot.

light punting/spinning/circles of light

You need a tripod or monopod and dark room. ISO-100, F/16+, SS-10 seconds. Spin and move the wheel around and take pictures.

This photographer took pictures of bubbles to make them look like planets with really cool colors. The bubbles are sitting in a wet ring and he would blow down a straw to excite the surface of the bubbles and to spin the colors. You need a wet ring, household detergent with a little glycerine mix, a straw, a backdrop and a light. 

focus stacking
Focus stacking is a technique used to increase depth of field in a shot with post production. It works best using a long lens or macro. You need a tripod, a macro lens, photoshop, and matt focusing screen for manual focusing. You take multiple photo and then stack them on to each other

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