Friday, February 27, 2015

Flash Photography Basics

1. Every flash photo photograph is two exposure in one
2. fill flash can be when subject is backlit or side lit to eliminate silhouettes or shadow
3. flash exposure is not affected by shutter speed
4. flash illumination is dramatically affected by distance
5. your camera measures ambient light and flash illumination separately
6. With automatic flash metering, the flash illumination is measured after the shutter button is pressed, and the flash output is adjusting accordingly.
7. Every SLR camera with a mechanical shutter box has a max flash sync shutter speed
8. harsh lighting, washed out subjects and red eye can be laminated by using diffusers and light bouncing
9. It is possible to charge the order of when the flash fire using "Rear Curtain Sync"
10. Removing the flash from the top of the camera helps eliminate red eye and unflattering shadows

Monday, February 23, 2015

1st Event Shoot

Step 15: Which photo do you like best? Why?- I like the the second photo because the colors are really vibrant. 

Step 16: Which is your least favorite image? Why? - my least favorite is 4 the one just because you loose the colors in the background.

Step 17: Overall, make two positive statements about their pictures.- the colors are really bright and the cropping is balanced. 

Step 18: Overall, what is one area that this person could improve upon in your opinion.- the one thing that could be fixed is the amount of grain, i don't know if its from post production or from the camera but their still great images. 

Painting Reproduction

Step 10: How well did they reproduce the painting? Look at colors, posing, lighting, props, spatial distance. - you did  really good job on getting the pose and face but the background color isn't the same but tha not that big of a deal and the cropping isn't the same. the painting a vertical and the picture isn't but its not bad. 

Step 11: Do you think the photographer did an acceptable job on recreating the image? What leads you to this analysis?- they did a good job on recreating the image because the lighting is about the same and the clothing and hair is the same. 

Step 11B: If you think they didn't do the best job, what areas do they need to correct the next time? Do you think they should go shoot it again?- if you were to redo it maybe just shoot it vertical so you can get the same cropping as the painting. 

6 station shoot peer review

6 station-

Step 3: Which photo do you like best? Why?- I like the water drop photo the best because the colors are really vibrant and you captured the drop when it came up. 

Step 4: Which is your least favorite image? Why?- My least favorite is the bubble because its really cool looking but its not exactly what we thought they would come out as. 

Step 5: Overall, make two positive statements about their pictures.- The lighting is really good and the shadows created add more dimension and the colors are vibrant. 

Step 6: Overall, what is one area that this person could improve upon in your opinion.- The cropping could be better, maybe more balanced.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Friday, February 6, 2015

studio tour

1. How do you make models feel relaxed in your studio?
2. Whats the first thing you do at the beginning of your shoot?
3. What kind of camera do you use?
4. How do you come up with ideas for a new shoot?
5. How many lights do you normally use?

1. What is your favorite shoot that you have done?
2. What got you into photography?
3. What is your favorite equipment to use other that the camera.

my 6 station shoot