Monday, February 23, 2015

Painting Reproduction

Step 10: How well did they reproduce the painting? Look at colors, posing, lighting, props, spatial distance. - you did  really good job on getting the pose and face but the background color isn't the same but tha not that big of a deal and the cropping isn't the same. the painting a vertical and the picture isn't but its not bad. 

Step 11: Do you think the photographer did an acceptable job on recreating the image? What leads you to this analysis?- they did a good job on recreating the image because the lighting is about the same and the clothing and hair is the same. 

Step 11B: If you think they didn't do the best job, what areas do they need to correct the next time? Do you think they should go shoot it again?- if you were to redo it maybe just shoot it vertical so you can get the same cropping as the painting. 

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