Monday, March 9, 2015

Pocket Portfolios

1. Do you think these pocket portfolios are a good way to market your photography business?- Yes because its a good way to show off your work and give information to people. Its a way to stand out from other photographer and give a sneak peak to the clients. 

2. What are some advantages to using this style in your opinion?- It gives your contact info and the type of photos you take. Also going a book is something someone can hold and touch and look at. Its also harder to loose a book. 

3. In your opinion, what are the disadvantages to using these little books?- The problem could be the size, because they are kinda small and may not show off the detail you want. 

4. Do you think Matthew Jones was justified in his defense of not sharing his publisher?- I don't really think he needs to hide his publisher but I'm not bothered by it. Im just annoyed that people are battling back and forth about it. 

5. Where do you place the blame for the misleading headline, on the writer, or the website publisher?- I don't know why PP would only allow that title but again I'm not mad. Reading the comments make me mad because people are being rude. He didn't post the publisher but oh whale! The title is a little misleading and that sucks but i don't really care. I feel like maybe the write could have written a better title but I'm not mad. 

6. In this age of "trolling" did you think the series of comments were appropriate?- It annoyed me. I think that if you have an opinion go ahead and comment it but don't go back and forth and say rude things. You can say what you want but after a while it got old and just mean. 

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