Friday, November 6, 2015

my website


    Photo choices are perfect!
    Good Color Palette
    Image Count is good!

    About me page information- make it more photo related
    Change "About me" pic to a photo of you!!
    Try to be consistent with your watermarks, they aren't on all the pics!

  2. I love your design, its so simple and not overwhelming.
    The pictures you chose are beautiful!
    I love your header.

    Change your about me to a photo of you!
    Watermark inconsistency
    Id like to see more photos on all tabs, maybe because Im just obsessed!!!

  3. I like the layout of the website that you chose. Love your about me information ;) The photos you chose are amazing.
    I think you should add more photos. I wish you would add a pic of yourself for the about me page as well. I think you should make it easier to change your photos on your home page.

  4. * I like the layout, cool collage set up
    * I also like how you can click on the photos and go to a slideshow
    *it's cool how you have your photos labeled

    *maybe try writing some other stuff for your about me tab, it's too general
    *put a picture of you on your about me tab
    *Some of your photos are missing your watermark

  5. I like how you had an accent color on your page
    You had super nice pictures
    You had a good amount of pictures that were all good
    your website was good, enjoyed it! :)

    add more to the about me tab
    You didn't always have a watermark on your images
    maybe change the photo on about me or piecing so they are not the same

  6. I like the slideshow effect on your homepage, selection of photos, and color theme. Maybe a little less photos, and bigger font on your tabs.! Overall i really like it !
