Friday, November 21, 2014

5 websites

Heroes, Villains, and Pop Culture Characters Go ‘Super Flemish’ in 16th Century Style Portraits
2. On the website was portraits of heroes,  villains and pop culture characters dressed in sixteenth century clothing. Goldberger does unique and strange portraits that takes famous characters and pictures them in a new setting that makes them very different than other portraits. 
3. I learned that you can take things that you always see in a certain way an make them different and interesting. 
PC: Sacha Goldberger

5a. I thought this photo was really cool because it takes a very strong character and makes her look more feminine. I also liked the cat and the neck thingy it has on. It caught my attention. 
  b. I see background because it dark color in the back with makes you focus on the person and the cat.  
  c. Sacha Goldberger

Mother of Ten and Talented Photographer Captures Wonderful Natural Light Portraits
2. This website is of a mom who takes portraits and her portfolio is mainly of her kids in natural light.  She goes to nature locations and likes natural and relaxed expressions.
3. I learned that you don't need extra light to get amazing photos. You can get great photos with what nature gives you.
5a. I chose this photo because I really liked the vibrant colors and the shallow depth of field. 
  b. I see balancing elements with the girls face and then her body behind the grasses. I also see a different viewpoint because they got on the girls level and got on the ground. 
  c. Lisa Holloway

Tutorial: How to Capture a Motion Time-Lapse of the Milky Way from Start to Finish
2. Ian Norman is an astrophotographer and in this video he shows us how to capture motion time lapse sequences of the milky way. He tells us about good websites to use to find dark locations and an app that allows you to find the milky way in the sky. In the video he talks about how to create a great exposure of the milky way, a good location, equipment, and settings to use.
3. learned that it take a lot of set up before you can start taking the time lapse. 
8a. In the video, Ian Norman told us how to take a time lapse of the milky way and told us the best settings, equipment and hot to find the best locations. He also told us how to do the time lapse part. 
  b. Norman made the video. He is an astrophotographer. 
  d. I learned how to take a time lapse picture and exactly how much time and work and steps it take to get there. 

The Photography of 4-Year-Old Hawkeye Huey, Son of Nat Geo Photographer Aaron Huey
2. This is a really cool article about a 4 year old, son of a national geographic photographer, who is beginning to be photographer too. It stated as father son bonding but Hawkeye learned to love it. They go on assignments to cool locations and learn and see new way of living and meet a lot of different and new people. 
3. I learned that its not always about getting the best shot but about the memories you make while trying to get the shot. You meet new people and experience new things. 
4.  i can't get it off but its the one with the girl and the horse with the pretty sunset. 
5a. I liked this photo because this kid is only 4 and frames up the picture well and its not perfect but its pretty cool for a little kid. I can get a story from the photo and thats a really important part of photography.
  b. I see rule of thirds because the girl and the horse aren't centered but off to the the side. 
  c. Hawkeye Huey took the photo

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