Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Camera Etiquette

Casual shoot
1. There are many photographers at events and you need to courteous to them. You always need to be mind full of how much space you occupy and who and what is around you. You can get a lot of information and learn different ways to shoot if you are polite and make friends with other photographers. You also need to be polite and apologize for mistakes and talk to other photographers and let them know of their mistakes.
2. Making friends with the people around you.
     a. This is the best suggestion because you can learn a lot of new things from others and it will help you grow as a photographer.
     b. If I started talking to someone else about photography and they don't cooperate then I will just walk away and continue shooting.
     c. I have not had this problem before because they usually talk to me and give me advice.

Wedding shoot
1. When shooting a wedding there are many people who have cameras but if you are hired by the bride and groom then you are the official photographer. If you are a guest at the wedding you need to be respectful to the official photographer and give them the right of way so they can get the best photos. The best hired photographers are those who try to please everyone but still gets their shot. It is best to learn the rules of the venue before the event so you know where to be and what to use.
2.   a. I would not be rude back but continue doing my job because it is my job to get the best photos and they shouldn't stop that.
      b. I would explain it to them that I am was hired to do the best and I would hope that they understand but if not I would respect their wishes but still shoot.
      c. I would talk to the guests about the rules and who I am and what my job is and hope that they understand that I will need to get the shot and sometimes they would need to wait for me.
      d. I would remind them what my purpose is and hope they get it and keep shooting.

Annoying thingy
1. People think buying the best equipment will make them the best but they don't understand that they are the ones making the photo and you have to work to get it. People can be really mean and will leave bad comments on your work. Some photographers will think that they are the best and you don't always have to listen to them because they may not know anything about photography. If you have large equipment then you need to be aware of the space you take up and who is around you. Remind your friends and family that you are running a business and you can't always drop everything to take pictures for them.
      a. I think the arrogant people annoy me the most because they think they are the bet and can do whatever they want and go wherever they want. They don't understand that their are others who work ten times harder than them and may not always get the best shot the first time but they learn from their mistakes and try again.
      b. I have encountered people who think the biggest and best equipment will make them the best photographer but that isn't true because people have to work hard to get their photos. I was at an event shoot and someone else had the 70-200 F2.8 and they thought since they had that lens they could take any photo and it would come out good. They learned that it was our job to manipulate the settings to create a good photo.
      c. If a close family member wanted me to shoot something for them then I would do it for free but if a friend or far family member needed me then I would do it for a discount.

Photo Walk
1. Take light equipment so you don't have to lug it around but do bring other equipment to leave in the car. Dress in appropriate clothes for the weather. You will be with a lot of people so be polite and share ideas.
2.   a. Theres a statue garden by zilker that is really cool and a place downtown with peacocks walking around.
      b. it has a lot of photo opportunities.
      c. nice lighting, camera, light lenses, tripod or monopod
      d. I would prefer a nature walk but I would also like a little man made stuff like the photo on the mega pixels website of the dock. I enjoy nature walks and nature with man made objects.
      e. If it is because they just didn't do it then they shouldn't go but if they tried then I think they should go.

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